It's James Wright's Birthday. Was just talking with a student yesterday about the guy. I really love it when students I had over a year ago come in to talk about poems they're working on now. I think you'll be hearing about at least one of them, one of these days.
Steve Davenport and Juan Sanchez did a reading at the Hyde Park Arts Center the other night. Podcast to come...but it was really something else. I think you'll dig it.
How's your grading going?
What else is happening?
A poem by Maurice Manning's Bucolics:
did you teach the woodpecker how
to knock its head against the wood
of hollow trees did you say this
is how you do it Boss then knock
your own boss head so hard into
the tree it made a rattle clap
I'm thinking nine is the number of times
the bird must knock the three to make
it rattle right does that sounds right
to you is nine the number Boss
to make a rattle clap it sounds
all right to me the number sounds
just right inside the rattle Boss
did you teach birds to count did you
teach me to count what counts beyond
the numbers up above them Boss
are you a number or a sound
or something else I can't learn how
to think about your birdbrain Boss
you rattle me you knock me down
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