Tuesday, October 23, 2007

& Knox wants YOU to know:

"Hello there, friend!" she says, and

"Join me and Shanna Compton this Friday
when we read from our brand spanking new books!

DRUNK BY NOON (me) and
FOR GIRLS (& OTHERS) (shanna)

For the Earshot series
at The Lucky Cat
8 p.m.

245 Grand Street
(btw. Driggs & Roebling)
Brooklyn, NY
$5 includes a drink

We'll be reading with John Reid Currie,
Seamus Scanlon, Olivia Kate Cerrone

This will be our first time taking the books
out for a spin in NYC! Who are the people in
your neighborhood? We are! Cracklin' with high
voltage poetry ack-shawn!

Hope to see ya there!




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