Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm Hungry!

And here's what's on the menu:

Of course, I'm not going to read the ENTIRE Princeton Encyclopedia...tonight...but it's absolutely come in handy in the last 24 hours. The third book down happens to be Laurel Snyder's new one, if you haven't eyed that spine yet. I have to manage the stack of student papers before digging into this pile, but dig I will. This I vow

And speaking of digging...

...was slipped a copy of DJ Girl Talk's record. Wins my award for the "Best Use of the Opening Chords to 'Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover" and Chorus of 'Little Lies' by in the Same Mix." Lots of other great cuts on there too.

True. And so that seals it. I'm hocking my vinyl. Sending some to DJ Joemama. What ever's left is going to A.G. along with my turntable. I'm tossing my dreams of being a DJ out with the next bag of recyclables. (did you know I wanted to mix records, if only time and practice and skill weren't an issue?)


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