Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Back to the Drawing Board

Max is working on a new daily remix series--he's off to the right, if you wanna click.
His art inspired/reminded me that it's not all language, linebreaks and poetry such-&-such around here. We're back in that wonderful time of year where I don't have anything close to full time work, and the idea of reading and writing for all the hours I have in the day is overwhelming. Gonna make my eyes all beady and squinty. So, I remembed that I like to paint. Here's how it's getting started:

I don't actually know how to paint. I don't know what it's gonna be when I'm done. But it's a relaxing hobby, and the absurd heat of summer seems to add to the whole thing. And cold scotch. And Bowie records. So, while Max delights your ears, I'm gonna spend some time getting reaquainted with colors other than black in the shape of letters on white paper. Hope you feel....

Meanwhile, a real painter: Miss Natalie Tjandra. Visit her and offer to build her a sweet webpage to showcase her slabs of talent.


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