Monday, May 14, 2007

Cincinnati is a Good Cook

Spent the weekend in Cincinnati with my oldest friend, Dr. Ken:

(known him since I was 4 or so. he's got a PhD from Duke for Neuroelectrophysiology or something like that)

Ate wonderful steaks (thank 9L's Amy and see her story in Chicago Noir, where you'll also find work by Andrew Ervin. Behold, Dinner!

(that's sauteed red onion and portabello and gorgonzolla from Finley Market at Over-The-Rhine. And Ken's wife's Nana gave me a recipe for Banana Pudding that destroyed me. If you ask nicely, I'll make some and share it with you.

Yes. I'm gloating about how much I love eating bbqed meat with dear friends with wine and all. But on the 3.5 hour drive back, I thought of more stuff to add to a poem I'm working on. And the car didnt' break down--so I returned the back-up fuel pump I bought on Friday and will use that $55 to renew my membership to the Academy. It all comes back to poetry, ya see?

Check back up on MaxXiantu to hear the 4th installment of the Daily Remix. & Natalie Tjandra is gonna be an Aunt--check her art, and applaud her excitement for family, if you get a chance. Onward toward pudding.


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