Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, the 14th

First, for the month of April, Bill of Tattoosday is featuring writer's tats.  Check it out!  If you back track to the 4/1, you'll see Jill Essbaum's feet.  

Moving on, do you know Le Pink Elephant?  Here's their call for submission for their new journal, A Trunk of Delirium:

A Trunk of Delirium is a new bi-annual publication of literary and artistic works seeking the finest available from both established and as yet known creators. A subsidiary of Le’ Pink Elephant Press, we open the lid to accept poetry, prose, flash fiction, reviews, interviews, translations, essays, plays, and artworks of all printable forms. Submissions are now giddily accepted at atrunkofdelirium@yahoo.com.
Editors: Suzanne Savickas & Cheryl Townsend
Publication will be in both web space and print, the later being perfect bound and truly a delight to behold.
Subscriptions $15.00

A Trunk of Delirium seeks to hold the diverse expressions of today’s most memorable creators, preserving such evoking delights for future consumption of the masses. By offering up its collectives in both web and print spaces, it is intended to make available more avenues to delight in the pulse of our present, yet ever changing, artistic scene of delirious exudence. Let creative liberty prevail!

Now, you probably want a poem for this day.  From Nin Andrews little book,  Dear Professor, Do You Live in a Vacuum? (Subito Press, 2008):

Dear Professor, 

I heard you complaining
about our class.
A huge class, you said.
No one is learning a darn thing.
Consider Newton's 
2nd and 3rd laws.
We have a lot of mass.
The more you push us, 
the more we push right back.  


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