Friday, January 23, 2009

Making More Moves

It's been an interesting stretch, and Urbana, IL seems further away all the time.  Trying to stay busy and grounding between bouncing literally all over the country (IL to NY to FL to SD, CA) has been pretty exciting.  I've been taken in by the wonderful folks at Barn Owl Review, and hope everyone enjoys the Critical Prose by Kazim Ali and Megan Savage you'll find in the pages of Issue #2.  

I've mentioned it before, but one of my favorite books of last year was Stefi Weisburd's The Wind-up Gods.  If you haven't picked it up, there's the link.  If you're curious about her work, thumb through your Ninth Letter back issues (specifically Vol.2, No.2 Fall/Winter '05).  It's wonderful.  I read a lot of books I loved last year, but that one is among the few favorites.  I tend to develop a special place in my heart for the presses that put out books that fill other special places.  Black Lawrence Press charmed me.  Luckily, they like me too...

I have accepted the honor of becoming the Associate Editor for Black Lawrence Press.  Please check 'em out, and if you'll be at AWP in Chicago in a few weeks, take in their event with Dzanc. Flyer's below. I only wish I'd see you there.

Peace, my friends!


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