Thursday, July 31, 2008


There are views like this all over the north end of town.  This one happens to be up the street.

And, Hey baby...Let's hear it for Jason, who's one of the 45 Ruth Lilly Fellowship Finalists.  Considering he's pretty awesome, I'm betting he'll best the 1/9 odds.  He had a pretty wonderful poem in a recent fact, you can even read it online.  

A poem by Wendell Berry:

In This World

The hill pasture, an open place among the trees,
tilts into the valley.  The clovers and tall grasses
are in bloom.  Along the foot of the hill
dark floodwater moves down the river.
The sun sets.  Ahead of nightfall the birds sing.
I have climbed up to water the horses
and now sit and rest, high on the hillside,
letting the day gather and pass.  Below me
cattle graze out across the wide fields of the bottomlands,
slow and preoccupied as stars.  In this world
men are making plans, wearing themselves out,
spending their lives, in order to kill each other.  



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